Our goal is to become a point of reference
for our clients, to help them with their growth potential, and strengthen their business. We are strongly convinced that the path to follow is that of integrating skills, professionalism and experience. Our expertise is the result of working with our clients for over twenty years.
We share a vision to propose information technology solutions and services to you.
for your business
We can do this thanks to technology, innovative programs, taking advantage of the opportunities offered by the internet of things, to a world where objects become smart because they are able to communicate data and allow you to have in real time the framework and the exact control of what happens in production processes, suggesting when and how to intervene.
The future is made up of integrated systems, of objects in continuous communication with each other, of information in real time; Iter Consortium knows this future and how to apply it to the present. Together with our clients we identify the problems, then we deliver the solutions.
The digital transformation that we propose allows us to improve the life cycle of a large industrial plant but also to live in a smart city with a large amount of information on the services available to us, to have a more efficient water system or even, for a medium and small company, to be able to take advantage of supports that allow us to improve and customize the offer for consumers.
A cultural and mental revolution awaits us, let us chart our course together.
(Italo Calvino)